Here is a list of some common terms and acronyms used in the diving industry:
Explore the world of diving with our comprehensive Glossary of Diving. All Things Diving covers everything from dive equipment and dive terminology to dive safety and dive planning. Dive deeper into the diving industry with our glossary
SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
BCD: Buoyancy Control Device
NDL: No Decompression Limit
RNT: Residual Nitrogen Time
RDP: Recreational Dive Planner
SAC: Surface Air Consumption
TBT: Total Bottom Time
TTS: Time To Surface
PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors
NAUI: National Association of Underwater Instructors
SSI: Scuba Schools International
DAN: Divers Alert Network
O2: Oxygen
PO2: Partial Pressure of Oxygen
MOD: Maximum Operating Depth
EAD: Equivalent Air Depth
EANx: Enriched Air Nitrox (a type of diving gas)
DEP: Dive Emergency Plan
DCS: Decompression Sickness
CCR: Closed Circuit Rebreather
MSD: Maximum Surface Decompression
PSI: Pounds per square inch
HPNS: High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome
ADAS: Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme
BHA: Breathing Hose Assembly
COW: Configuration of the Water
DPV: Dive Propulsion Vehicle
DSAT: Diving Science and Technology Corporation
DCIEM: Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine
FIO2: Fraction of Inspired Oxygen
FO2: Fraction of Oxygen
GUE: Global Underwater Explorers
HSE: Health and Safety Executive
IANTD: International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers
IDC: Instructor Development Course
IHMP: Incident Management and Medical Procedures
JDC: Junior Dive Control
JHA: Job Hazard Analysis
JSA: Job Safety Analysis
MSD: Maximum Surface Decompression
OOA: Out Of Air
PSCR: Primary Surface Control Regulator
SAC: Surface Air Consumption
SDC: Surface Decompression
SMB: Surface Marker Buoy
SPG: Submersible Pressure Guage
UDM: Underwater Demolition
UDT: Underwater Demolition Team
WOB: Water Oxygen Blender
WOBT: Water Oxygen Bottom Time
YOY: Year of the Year
VGE: Venous Gas Embolism
VPM-B: Varying Permeability Model-B
Again, this is not an exhaustive list and there are many more terms and acronyms used in diving. Some of them can be specific to certain agencies, countries, or regions.
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